There have been many recent changes to the laws surrounding the sex trade industry in Canada, and it is important for all sex trade workers to be aware of the Federal and Provincial laws surrounding their trade. Canada has struggled with the issue of legalizing sectors of the sex trade industry for quite some time. The laws and regulations surrounding the escort and massage business can be quite confusing and it is a good idea to check with your local authorities before you enter the industry.
As of April 30, 2012, Canada has made several revisions to the Federal laws and has implemented new provincial legislation that will allow escorts to provide their services out of their homes and to retain the services of security personnel to help aid in the safety and protection of themselves and their service location.
Laws surrounding solicitation, procurement, and licensing are changing and although the legalities surrounding the sex industry are slowly becoming more and more lenient it is still imperative that the regulations are followed to avoid any unnecessary interruption to your services.
For further information regarding the Canadian Laws surrounding the sex trade industry, you may contact your local authorities or visit The Parliament of Canada's Library of Parliament Research Publications to read the latest legislation.